The Window Seat

on CliffCentral

Podcast: The Suite Life

13 June 2023

Having been an essential part of Tourvest Travel Services for over 27 years, Maria Watkins – General Manager at TTS – jumps on with Gareth Cliff and Lebang Kgosana to discuss how to prioritise booking a vacation in South Africa’s current economic climate, and how to do it on a budget. We see some unexpected suggestions come to the table, bringing forward one of Lebang’s biggest fears… and some hilarious stories from Maria from her most recent travels.

TravelitGlobal at the Business Travel Show Europe 2024TravelitGlobal at the Business Travel Show Europe 2024

Business Travel Show Europe

Agie Adams reports back on Travelit’s plans for ‘global domination’, as they showed off their stuff at the largest Business Travel Show in London… with Nik Naks as their secret weapon!
Anda Peter from Avis on the Window Seat

People are more important than cars

Avis is a brand synonymous with car rental in South Africa. Anda Peter shares some of the reasons why they are top of their game… and some exciting new developments they have in the pipeline.
Morne du Preez, CEO of Tourvest Travel Services

Introducing TravelitGlobal

Where tech meets travel… Morne du Preez, CEO of Tourvest Travel Services, talks about some exciting innovation in the business, an upcoming show in London, and the benefits of travel.
First Time Travellers with

First Time Travellers hit Cape Town

It’s a special week for some lucky winners who have never been on a plane or stayed in a nice hotel, as Gareth and Simphiwe chat to a few people on their Cape Town adventure.
Thembi Kunene-Msimang from Tourvest MICE

The MICE Guys

Thembi Kunene-Msimang, the COO of Tourvest MICE hops into the studio with the boys at the Window Seat to talk through Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Events.

Hot Deals to Cool Destinations

Agie Adams, the General Manager for Marketing at Tourvest Travel Services and pops into the window seat to uncover some of the latest travel deals on the scene
Tourvest Destination Management Podcast

Destination Management

Martin Weist, CEO of Tourvest Desitnation Management joins the window seat with some insight into the state of South Africa Tourism and much more

First Time Flyers

Tracey van den Berg from Tourvest Travel Services and Peter Moagi from Moagi Solutions explain the First Time Traveller initiative, and how you can make someone's travel dream come true.

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